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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript meets the aims and scope of JEED. Submissions can cover topics related to ecosystems science, ecosystem engineering, and systems analysis, and should focus on informing ecological design. The design process is defined broadly and includes topics related to planning, technology, implementation, assessment, and communication.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in the cover letter).
  • The manuscript has been prepared using the provided template and is in Microsoft Word (.docx) file format.
  • The manuscript does not exceed the word count for the paper type. Suggested word counts are for the introduction through the conclusion excluding tables, figures, and references.
  • The manuscript uses The Council of Science Editors (CSE) Name-Year citation style and includes a complete list of references. The author is responsible for ensuring that both in-text citations and the reference list are complete and accurate. (Reference lists generated by citation managers are prone to error and must always be checked by the author prior to submission.)
  • Functioning DOIs or URLs are provided for all online references. Links do not lead to password-protected resources.
  • Tables and figures appear in the text after first mention and are designed for web accessibility. All tables and figures are properly attributed to their source. Prior written approval has been obtained for reuse of any tables, figures, or other copyrighted material.
  • The abstract (required), graphic abstract (optional), and photographs (optional) are included in the manuscript file.
  • The cover letter has been prepared using the provided template and is in Microsoft Word (.docx) file format. It describes how the submitted work meets the aims and scope of JEED; discloses any additional information related to conflicts of interest not covered in the manuscript Conflict of Interest Statement; discloses any restrictions on the ability to share study raw data, materials, or information as required; and includes suggestions for a minimum of three possible peer reviewers.
  • The Author Agreement Form has been prepared using the provided template and is in PDF (.pdf) file format. All form fields are complete, including signature and date. (A digital signature is acceptable.)
  • Any supplementary material (optional) has been developed into a single Word file. The cover page of the supplementary material includes the paper title and all authors' names and affiliations, as presented at the beginning of the manuscript.
  • All documents have been proofread.

Author Guidelines

JEED welcomes manuscripts that have not been formally published before and are not under consideration for publication in another journal.

  • Before submitting your manuscript and other materials, review the complete Author Guidelines to ensure you have met all the JEED requirements. Submissions that are incomplete or not in full adherence with these requirements may be returned.

  • Your manuscript must follow the Council of Science Editors Name-Year citation style. As the author, you are responsible for ensuring that both in-text citations and the reference list are complete and accurate. Include a DOI for all references consulted online. If a DOI is not available, provide a URL (with date accessed) that does not require a password to access the material.

  • The author is responsible for ensuring that both in-text citations and the reference list are complete and accurate, and that all DOIs/URLs are functional. Reference lists generated by citation managers are prone to error and must always be checked by the author prior to submission.

  • All papers will be subject to rigorous peer review and processed as rapidly as possible while maintaining high standards. For all submissions, text should be concise and comprehensive. Full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. JEED is committed to FAIR (Free, Accessible, Interoperable, Reproducible) data and requires authors to publish key raw data as supplemental materials or provide links to active publicly accessible repositories.

  • The main article types and word counts appear in the section descriptions below. Suggested word counts are for the introduction through the conclusion excluding tables, figures, and references. Your abstract may not exceed 300 words.

  • All submissions must include an abstract, cover letter, manuscript, and signed author agreement form. Please enter abstract text into the system when prompted, and upload the cover letter, manuscript, and signed author agreement form as separate files.

JEED-I: INSIGHTS in Ecological Engineering

Targeted research and science communications focused on compelling INSIGHTS in the field. ~3,000 words. Abstract, cover letter, manuscript, and signed Author Agreement Form required for submission.

Original Research Paper

Articles of original hypothesis-driven research based on new data collection, data analysis, or modeling. ~6,000 words. Abstract, cover letter, manuscript, and signed Author Agreement Form required for submission.

Subject-Area Review

In-depth review of the literature on a specific ecological engineering design-related topic. ~10,000 words. Abstract, cover letter, manuscript, and signed Author Agreement Form required for submission.

Research Case Study

Detailed, in-depth examinations of a particular case within a real-world context, typically focusing on before-and-after implementation of an ecological engineering design or process. ~6,000 words. Abstract, cover letter, manuscript, and signed Author Agreement Form required for submission.

Design Research Portfolio

Presentations of original research with a visual emphasis on the design approach, process, and results. ~1,000 words plus graphics. Abstract, cover letter, manuscript, image files, and signed Author Agreement Form required for submission.

Editorials, Book Reviews, and Commentaries

Editorials, book reviews, and commentaries will be published at the invitation of the Editors. Contact an Editor if interested in submission. 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.