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Author Guidelines

There are no charges to submit a manuscript to or publish in the Journal of Ecological Engineering Design.

JEED welcomes manuscripts that have not been formally published before and are not under consideration for publication in another journal.

Guideline Documents

Refer to these guideline documents and the information in the Submissions tab for full author information. Clicking a link will open it in a new window. If you have a question that is not fully addressed here, contact the JEED Editor in Chief.

  • AI Policy
    For Authors | For Reviewers
  • Manuscript Overview
    Types of Publications | Accepted Research Topics | Accepted File Formats | Cover Letter | Author Agreement Form | Manuscript Preparation & Submission Templates
  • Editorial Procedures
    Qualification for Authorship | Initial Checks | Transparent Peer Review | Reviewer Selection | Criteria for Acceptance | Editorial Decision & Revision | Author Appeals | Production & Publication | Corrections & Errata
  • Research and Publication Ethics
    Publication Ethics | Plagiarism | Image Integrity | Use of Inclusive Language | Research Involving Human Subjects
  • Required Manuscript Templates and Forms
    Manuscript Templates | Cover Letter Template | Author Agreement Form

Manuscript Preparation and Submission Instructions

To prepare your manuscript materials for submission, follow these instructions.

1. Review the Aims and Scope.

  • Review JEED’s Aims and Scope to determine if your manuscript is suitable for this journal.
  • Select the paper type that best suits your manuscript.

2. Prepare your cover letter (Microsoft Word file).

  • Download and use the provided template.
  • Describe how the submitted work meets the aims and scope of JEED
  • Disclose any additional information related to conflicts of interest not covered in the manuscript’s Conflict of Interest Statement.
  • Disclose any restrictions on the ability to share study raw data, materials, or information as required.
  • Disclose if and/or how AI was used during the writing process.
  • Suggest a minimum of four possible peer reviewers.
  • Save your cover letter as a Microsoft Word file.

3. Prepare your author agreement form (PDF file).

  • Download the provided form.
  • Read the form, complete all fields, and sign and date where indicated. A digital signature is acceptable.
  • Save your completed form as a PDF file.

4. Develop your manuscript (Word file).

  • Download the manuscript template and prepare your manuscript using the formats and guidance given.
  • Make sure your manuscript does not exceed the word count for the paper type.
  • Include an abstract (maximum 300 words), graphical abstract (optional), and photographs (optional) in the manuscript file.
  • Follow the citation style described in the template ​and​ ​provide​ ​complete​ ​references.

Adhere to CSE style.

Include tables and figures.

      • Tables and figures should appear in the text after first mention.
      • Get prior written approval for reuse of any tables, figures, or other copyrighted material.

Check for image accessibility.

      • Ensure that the colors and type sizes used in your tables and figures are accessible to people with low vision or colorblindness.
      • To learn more about creating accessible color palettes, read this guidance from Simplified Science Publishing or this article by CR Ferreira.
      • Develop and preview color palettes using an online tool like Viz Palette.
      • Test your tables and figures for accessibility using an online color blindness simulator like DaltonLens.
  • Save your manuscript as a Microsoft Word file.

5. Develop your supplementary material (optional Microsoft Word file).

  • If submitting supplementary material, develop it into a single Microsoft Word file.
  • On the first page of the supplementary material, include the title of your paper and name all authors and their affiliations, as presented at the beginning of your manuscript.
  • Begin the supplementary material on the next page.
  • Save your supplementary material as a Microsoft Word file.

6. Proofread all documents.

  • Proofread your cover letter. Make sure it includes all requested information.
  • Proofread your author agreement. Make sure all requested fields have been completed. Ensure that you have signed and dated the agreement.
  • Proofread your manuscript and supplementary material.
  • Remember to proofread all text, including text embedded in figures and tables.

7. Double-check all in-text citations and end references.

  • Double-check all in-text citations and every entry in your reference list to ensure that they conform to CSE Name-Year citation style.
  • Double-check all references to ensure that they include working DOIs. If a DOI is not available, provide a URL with the date accessed.
  • Ensure that your reference list is in alphabetical order.

8. Register with JEED and ORCID if you haven't already. Have all co-authors register, as well.

  • Registration with JEED is free and creates a unique account for you to track and interact with your submission. You will need a JEED username and password to log in to the submission system. To register, click Register at the top right corner of your screen.
  • Free registration with ORCID establishes a unique ID that distinguishes you and your work from other researchers. To make your research findable, add your unique ORCID identifier to your submission.

9. Gather all your materials and registration information.

  • You will need your prepared files (including your cover letter, manuscript, any supplementary material, and your signed author agreement), ORCID iDs for all authors, names and emails for all authors, the information contained in your cover letter, and your manuscript abstract.

10. Click Start Submission in the navigation bar to begin the submission process.

  • You must be logged in with your username and password to submit to JEED. If you are not logged in, the system will prompt you to do so. You may log in at any time by clicking Log In at the top right corner of your screen.
  • If you need accommodations in order to make a submission, please contact Aimee Diehl, JEED production editor, to discuss how we can make this process work best for you.