Editorial Policy
The Journal of Ecological Engineering Design (JEED), the open access journal of the American Ecological Engineering Society, aims to expand understanding of the science, engineering, and design of ecosystem processes, functions, and services. Papers are rooted in the fundamentals of ecological engineering—“the design of sustainable ecosystems that integrate human society with its natural environment for the benefit of both” (Mitsch 2012)—and are expected to address topics that differentiate ecological engineering from other fields, including:
- The importance of the self-designing capacity of ecosystems.
- The assessment of ecological theories in the context of engineering and design.
- A reliance on a systems approach.
- A focus on conservation of non-renewable energy sources.
- An emphasis on supporting ecosystem and biological conservation.
All manuscripts will be screened by the Editor in Chief before being sent out for peer review. Manuscripts that are outside of the scope of the journal, poorly written, or reporting clearly flawed research will be rejected without peer review. Peer review will be completed by at least two experts in the subject area.
JEED publishes the following paper types:
- JEED-I: INSIGHTS in Ecological Engineering (~3,000 words). Targeted research and science communication focused on compelling INSIGHTS in the field.
- Research Paper (~6,000 words). Article of original hypothesis-driven research based on new data collection, data analysis, or modeling.
- Subject-Area Review (~10,000 words). In-depth, systematic review of the literature on a specific ecological engineering design-related topic.
- Research Case Study (~6,000 words). Focused examination of a particular case or design innovation within a real-world context, typically assessing before and after implementation of an ecological engineering design or process.
- Design Research Portfolio (~1,000 words plus graphics). Presentation of original research with a visual emphasis on the design approach, process, and results.
- Editorials, book reviews, and commentaries. Contact the Editor in Chief if interested in submission.
Papers can cover topics related to ecosystems science, ecosystem engineering, and systems analysis, and should focus on informing ecological design. The design process is defined broadly and includes topics related to planning, technology, implementation, assessment, and communication. Example paper topics include:
- The use of ecosystems to reduce pollution (e.g., phytoremediation, natural treatment systems, green stormwater infrastructure)
- The imitation of ecosystems to address resource problems (e.g., circular bioeconomy)
- Recovery and restoration of ecosystems after disturbance (e.g., mine land restoration, lake and stream restoration, restoration of riparian corridors, forest restoration)
- Modifying ecosystems in ecologically sound ways (e.g., selective timber harvest, biomanipulation)
- Sustainable use of ecosystems for human benefit (e.g., nature-based solutions, sustainable agro-ecosystems, sustainable aquaculture, sustainable forest management).
JEED is open to submissions and publishes articles on a rolling basis.
JEED is a diamond open access journal licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. JEED does not charge submission or publication fees (article processing charges, or APCs).
Mitsch, WJ. 2012. What is ecological engineering? Ecol Eng. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2012.04.013.