Manuscript Overview
The Journal of Ecological Engineering Design welcomes manuscripts that have not been formally published before and are not under consideration for publication in another journal.
Types of Publications
The main article types are as follows:
- JEED-I: INSIGHTS in Ecological Engineering (~3,000 words). Short, targeted research and science communications focused on compelling INSIGHTS in the field.
- Research Paper (~6,000 words). Articles of original hypothesis-driven research based on new data collection, data analysis, or modeling.
- Subject-Area Review (~10,000 words). In-depth review of the literature on a specific ecological engineering design-related topic.
- Research Case Study (~6,000 words). Detailed, in-depth examinations of a particular case or design innovation within a real-world context, typically focusing on before and after implementation of an ecological engineering design or process.
- Design Research Portfolios (~1,000 words plus graphics). Presentations of original research with a visual emphasis on the design approach, process, and results.
- Editorials, book reviews, and subject reviews will be published at the invitation of the Editors. Contact an Editor if interested in submission.
Suggested word counts above are for the introduction through the conclusion excluding tables, figures, and references.
All papers will be subject to rigorous peer review and processed as rapidly as possible while maintaining high standards. For all article submissions, text should be concise and comprehensive. Full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. JEED is committed to FAIR (Free, Accessible, Interoperable, Reproducible) data and requires authors to publish key raw data as supplemental materials or provide links to active publicly accessible repositories.
Accepted Research Topics
Papers can cover topics related to ecosystems science, ecosystem engineering, and systems analysis, and should focus on informing ecological design. The design process is defined broadly and includes topics related to planning, technology, implementation, assessment, and communication. Example paper topics include: the use of ecosystems to reduce pollution (e.g., phytoremediation, natural treatment systems, green stormwater infrastructure); the imitation of ecosystems to address resource problems (e.g., circular bioeconomy); recovery and restoration of ecosystems after disturbance (e.g., mine land restoration, lake and stream restoration, restoration of riparian corridors, forest restoration); modifying ecosystems in ecologically sound ways (e.g., selective timber harvest, biomanipulation); and sustainable use of ecosystems for human benefit (e.g., nature-based solutions, sustainable agro-ecosystems, sustainable aquaculture, sustainable forest management).
Accepted File Formats
Authors must submit their article formatted according to the guidelines presented here. Submitted manuscripts should have graphics, figures, and tables embedded in the text where they are first referenced for ease of review. Following final acceptance, authors will work with the Production Editor to format the manuscript and provide additional items as needed, including graphics and figures of high quality resolution for final publication.
Cover Letter
A cover letter must be included with each manuscript submission using the provided Microsoft Word JEED cover letter template. The letter should:
- Include a statement of the paper’s significance and how the work meets the aims and scope of JEED, specifically how it is rooted in the fundamentals of ecological engineering—”the design of sustainable ecosystems that integrate human society with its natural environment for the benefit of both” (Mitsch 2012).
- Provide any needed discussion regarding author conflict of interest beyond that presented in the Conflict of Interest section of the manuscript template.
- Disclose any restrictions on the ability to share study raw data, materials, or information as required.
- Suggest a minimum of four possible peer reviewers.
Author Agreement Form
A signed Author Agreement Form (PDF) must accompany each manuscript submission. A digital signature is acceptable. JEED content is published under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, which allows sharing and access, in unadapted form, with attribution, but does not allow republication or distribution.
Manuscript Preparation & Submission Guidelines
Manuscript Templates
Manuscripts must be developed using the provided Microsoft Word JEED article templates, which detail paper structure and formatting by paper type. Additional and supporting considerations are listed below.
- Graphical Abstract (optional): Authors are encouraged to provide a simple, compelling graphic highlighting the main finding of the study. The abstract can initially be of modest quality; a high-quality graphics file will be requested upon publication.
- Study/Project Photographs (optional): Authors are encouraged to provide one or two photographs related to the study for possible inclusion with on-line publication. Photos can initially be of modest quality; high-quality graphics files will be requested upon publication.
- Citation Style: JEED uses The Council of Science Editors (CSE) Name-Year citation style.
- Abbreviations: Abbreviations should be defined in parentheses the first time they appear in the abstract, main text, and in figure or table captions and used consistently thereafter.
- Units: International System of Units (SI units) should be used. English units, where useful, can be added in parentheses.
- Equations: Complex equations should be developed in the Equation Editor in Word. Authors will work with the Production Editor to generate high quality equations compatible with publication.
- Tables and Figures: Manuscripts shall include a maximum of eight elements in any combination of tables, figure, and photos. Cite where appropriate in parentheses (e.g., “text . . . (Figure 1 or Table 1)”). All figures and tables should have a short explanatory title or caption (see template for more details). Obtain written permission for reuse of any published figures and photos.
- Supplementary Material: Submit supplementary material as a single Microsoft Word file. At the top of the supplementary material, include the title of your paper and name all authors and their affiliations, as presented at the beginning of the manuscript.
- Acknowledgements: List individuals or organizations who provided assistance during the research. Explicitly state funding source(s) and funding award numbers, including a statement that no funding was received for the study if applicable. For research with human subjects, list specific details of Institutional Review Board approvals (protocol number, date). See manuscript template for more details.
- Author Contributions Statement: Provide details regarding each author's contribution to the manuscript. See manuscript template for more details.
- Conflict of Interest Statement: Disclose any conflicts of interest including financial (e.g., honoraria or travel support by funding companies) or non-financial interest (e.g., serving on advisory boards). Conflicts of interest are anything that would interfere with the fully transparent and objective presentation of the work presented in the manuscript. Potential conflicts could include but are not limited to intellectual property, relationships with private companies funding the work, or financial gain. If there are none, add the following statement: “The authors have no conflict of interest to report.” See manuscript template for more details.
- Data Availability Statement: JEED is committed to FAIR (Free, Accessible, Interoperable, Reproducible) data and requires authors to publish key data via links to active publicly accessible repositories (preferred) or as supplemental material. Provide information in this section about how and where readers can access supporting data. See manuscript template for more details.
- Related Publication Statement: JEED supports publication of material that may have been disseminated to some extent elsewhere without third party copyright, including pre-prints (draft versions of papers made available online before formal submission to a journal), theses and dissertations, abstracts, reports, or web-based information. We accept manuscripts provided that they have not undergone peer review. In this section, explicitly state how and where the paper’s material has been previously disseminated and include any web-based links to the material. If the paper’s material has never been previously disseminated, omit this section. See manuscript template for more details.
- English Language Publication: JEED is prepared and published in English. To facilitate proper peer-reviewing of your manuscript, it is essential that it is submitted in grammatically correct English. If you are not a native English speaker, we recommend that you have your manuscript professionally edited before submission or read/edited by a native English-speaking colleague.
Mitsch, WJ. 2012. What is ecological engineering? Ecol Eng.